So Anyway, I Started Blasting - Images
Execute Order 66 | /r/PrequelMemes

So Anyway, I Started Blasting
Unarmed black man exists

So Anyway, I Started Blasting
"You have outlived your usefulness"

So Anyway, I Started Blasting
Euphemia starts blasting

So Anyway, I Started Blasting
3 to 5 seconds max

So Anyway, I Started Blasting
At least it only leaked out 3.6 roentgen

So Anyway, I Started Blasting
Saves from needing to clean it later

So Anyway, I Started Blasting
Oddly fun

So Anyway, I Started Blasting
Its Always Sunny in Cairo | /r/ShitPostCrusaders/

So Anyway, I Started Blasting
When the loli's fight back | /r/Animemes

So Anyway, I Started Blasting
Merde alors ! | /r/HistoryMemes

So Anyway, I Started Blasting
*vitnameese noises* | /r/HistoryMemes

So Anyway, I Started Blasting
Danny the ripper | /r/HistoryMemes

So Anyway, I Started Blasting
Et tu, Brute! | r/HistoryMemes

So Anyway, I Started Blasting
Trust me I've witnessed this happen

So Anyway, I Started Blasting
So anyway, I started blasting Iraq

So Anyway, I Started Blasting