Stan Lee Asking for Coffee
Part of a series on Stan Lee. [View Related Entries]
Stan Lee Asking for Coffee is an exploitable series based on a stillshot from the TV anime series Heroman, featuring the American comic book writer Stan Lee holding a mug up with his hand to ask for more coffee.
In spring of 2010, a new animated TV series called "Heroman"[1] premiered on April 1st. The plot was created by Stan Lee and the show was produced by the animation studio Bones for TV broadcast.
In the first episode, we see the main character Joey Jones working at a café. Sitting at the counter is Stan Lee, who makes a cameo appearance[3] as a regular at the café. As Joey leaves the screen pans to Stan Lee as he asks “Hey Joey fill me up.” Stan Lee is also seen in the background of later episodes:

A few hours after the episode aired, a user on 4chan's /a/ (anime) board[2] posted a template of Stan Lee at the counter that could be shopped in to other images:
![5d2.png File: 278 KB, 1278x723, Stan_lee_and_friends.jpg View same] [iqdb] O Anonymous Thu Apr 1 17:15:31 2010 No.32844768 [Reply] [Original] Stan Lee and friends. What do? Anonymous Thu Apr 1 17:15:31 2010 No.32844787 32844768 to bad he is drawn better. >> Anonymous Thu Apr 1 17:15:31 2010 No.32844803 We need a Stan Lee template Anonymous Thu Apr 1 17:15:31 2010 No.32844810 You will never make Stan Lee a cup of coffee. _](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/152/350/5d2.png)
As the day went on over 50 shops where made, spawning thread after thread of edits. When /a/ stopped talking about the show the coffee shops still remained in the few threads up still talking about the show.
Combo Breaker

A few days / weeks after the first shop the combo breaker image of Mugi from K-on! Pouring tea from a tea pot came up. The goal of the combo is to have the first image be the hand pouring the tea, the second be Mugi’s face / arm and the third being Stan Lee holding out the cup.
Other combos with things being poured have shown up, but they all end with Stan Lee holding out a cup.
Notable Images

Stan Lee

Stan Lee is an American comic book writer, editor, actor, producer, publisher, TV personality, and the former president and chairman of Marvel Comics. He is best known for co-creating Spider-Man, the Fantastic Four, the X-Men, the Avengers, Iron Man, the Hulk, Thor, Daredevil, Doctor Strange, and many other fictional character.

External References
[1] Anime News Network – Heroman
[2] Easymodo Archive – /a/ – Anime & Manga
[3] Wikipedia – Stan Lee's Film & TV appearances
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Jul 22, 2011 at 04:09PM EDT
Lone Star
Jul 22, 2011 at 03:59PM EDT