Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice - Trending Images
Batman trolls superman

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
MARTHA by Zero von Drake

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
Spoiler for Justice League

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
Marvel V DC: Dawn of Wars
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
A bit of Identity Crisis seems to be going around…

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
The Real Hero of BvS by Neodusk

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
Dawn of ANGST

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
Where Did It Go?

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
How Wonder Woman received Batman's email

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
Lois Lane, once again doing absolutely nothing of worth

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
Can't wait for the Monster Mash movie!

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
I'm Batman and I can breathe in space!

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
The Great Divide.

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
Batman v Succ

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
Grandma's peach tea

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
Batman V Superman In A Nutshell

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
Is this not exactly how it happened?

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
DC's future movie plans in a nutshell

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice