Monopoly: Socialism - Images
We could do the Cuba edition: start (in the 1950s) as the world’s top sugar producer; end up earning $25 per month and risking your life to put your ...

Monopoly: Socialism
Why to Leftie academics so fear pointing out the manifest failures of socialism? Quote Tweet

Monopoly: Socialism
And then confusedly, when it's time to pay taxes, the taxes do not go into the community fund, but rather are paid *from* the community fund to a priv...

Monopoly: Socialism
For example, there is a community fund, and if a player doesn't have enough money to pay for something, the community fund automatically pays the diff...

Monopoly: Socialism
I bought a copy of Hasbro's mean-spirited and woefully ill-informed "MONOPOLY: SOCIALISM" board game so you don't have to - a thread 1/

Monopoly: Socialism
The Landlord's Game

Monopoly: Socialism