RuneScape - Images
OSRS Chaos Elemental Anthro

We have to go back to Runescape Classic

Whatcha gonna do with all that junk
Konar quo Maten - Auenke

Swimsuit Zanik - Fragile-Frigil


Some Runescape Graphics through the Ages

Clan Art! | /r/Runescape/

Big F for this dude... RIP, Dog_woof45 | /r/Runescape/

Cooking interface always defaults to Primal Dessert no matter what raw food I have in my inventory u...
![COOKING Meat Primal dessert Value 800xp 300 37K 600 Requirements e Cooking Level E RuneScape Member 99 00:22 56 Materials * White strawberry 2 Golden watermelon COOK Im 2m SE Shift Shift Shift 11300/10600 0% 990/990 990/990 Shift Shift O O 2755 1:10] A swarm of little flies. Shift ide price: 86 gp each 1:19] The King of the Titans! h has 98 Black Stone Dragon kills. 1:34] Your items have been placed in your inventory. 1:36] Your beast of burden has no more items. 1:46] News: Velldek has just achieved1 20 Slayer! 1:56] Please unfilter your game messages to view issues when trying to load your t. 492M 21kg alease the Well 'Ardy- (Press Enter to Chat1](
![COOKING Meat Primal dessert Value 800xp 300 37K 600 Requirements e Cooking Level E RuneScape Member 99 00:22 56 Materials * White strawberry 2 Golden watermelon COOK Im 2m SE Shift Shift Shift 11300/10600 0% 990/990 990/990 Shift Shift O O 2755 1:10] A swarm of little flies. Shift ide price: 86 gp each 1:19] The King of the Titans! h has 98 Black Stone Dragon kills. 1:34] Your items have been placed in your inventory. 1:36] Your beast of burden has no more items. 1:46] News: Velldek has just achieved1 20 Slayer! 1:56] Please unfilter your game messages to view issues when trying to load your t. 492M 21kg alease the Well 'Ardy- (Press Enter to Chat1](
Guthix on the balance of triple artifacts... | /r/Runescape/


Had us in the first half not gonna lie | /r/Runescape/

Can Jagex please look at bad luck mitigation for 3x artifact excavation sites? | /r/Runescape/

Guys i think we broke solak... (3 drops in a trio) | /r/Runescape/
![[19:55:17] News: SirColin has just achieved at least level 99 in all skills! [19:55:18] News: SirColin has just achieved at least level 99 in all skills! [19:55:27] [Hard 2 Beat] -1Darki v2: O pker do clan acho que nao ta on [19:55:56] News: Miles Dreams has received Erethdor's blightbound crossbow drop! [19:55:57] News: le me has received Erethdor's offhand blightbound crossbow drop! [19:55:57] IThe Nexicans) News: le me has received Erethdor's offhand blightbound crossbow drop! [19:56:01) [Hard 2 Beat) V-Darki v2: Gz lol [19:56:04] [The Nexicans] Wiml: Gzzzz (19:56:05) (Hard 2 Beat] Lorpah: Gratz [19:56:05] [Hard 2 Beatl GTA: Gzzzzzzzz [19:56:08] From SerialReturn: Gzzzz fdp [19:56:08] From Sidus: Gzzz noob [19:56:09] From Bossy Brat: Gz lol [19:56:09] From Black Zeus: Graz [19:56:09] News: BiGmUrDeReR has received Erethdor's grimoire drop! [19:56:09] From Sal: Gratzzz nerd [19:56:09) From WSimon: Rich gets richer [19:56:11] From Black Zeus: Gratz [19:56:11] From WFollow: Grats [19:56:12) Durgas has logged out. [19:56:13] From mariam: Gzzzzz [19:56:14] [Hard 2 Beat] 1-1Darki v2: Lmfao w-- [19:56:17) From Im Rubic: Congratz [19:56:17) (Hard 2 Beat] Aguarela: Kekw [19:56:17] [Hard 2 Beatl Batatoon: Gzzzzzzzzzzzzz [19:56:17] [Hard 2 Beatl Lost my Nuts: LOIOLOLOLOL [19:56:17][Hard 2 Beatl le me: LIOLOLOLOL [1.0:56-1R1Lard RaatlOur lardim- Cdate de drane Graverobber le me: [Press Enter to Chat]](
![[19:55:17] News: SirColin has just achieved at least level 99 in all skills! [19:55:18] News: SirColin has just achieved at least level 99 in all skills! [19:55:27] [Hard 2 Beat] -1Darki v2: O pker do clan acho que nao ta on [19:55:56] News: Miles Dreams has received Erethdor's blightbound crossbow drop! [19:55:57] News: le me has received Erethdor's offhand blightbound crossbow drop! [19:55:57] IThe Nexicans) News: le me has received Erethdor's offhand blightbound crossbow drop! [19:56:01) [Hard 2 Beat) V-Darki v2: Gz lol [19:56:04] [The Nexicans] Wiml: Gzzzz (19:56:05) (Hard 2 Beat] Lorpah: Gratz [19:56:05] [Hard 2 Beatl GTA: Gzzzzzzzz [19:56:08] From SerialReturn: Gzzzz fdp [19:56:08] From Sidus: Gzzz noob [19:56:09] From Bossy Brat: Gz lol [19:56:09] From Black Zeus: Graz [19:56:09] News: BiGmUrDeReR has received Erethdor's grimoire drop! [19:56:09] From Sal: Gratzzz nerd [19:56:09) From WSimon: Rich gets richer [19:56:11] From Black Zeus: Gratz [19:56:11] From WFollow: Grats [19:56:12) Durgas has logged out. [19:56:13] From mariam: Gzzzzz [19:56:14] [Hard 2 Beat] 1-1Darki v2: Lmfao w-- [19:56:17) From Im Rubic: Congratz [19:56:17) (Hard 2 Beat] Aguarela: Kekw [19:56:17] [Hard 2 Beatl Batatoon: Gzzzzzzzzzzzzz [19:56:17] [Hard 2 Beatl Lost my Nuts: LOIOLOLOLOL [19:56:17][Hard 2 Beatl le me: LIOLOLOLOL [1.0:56-1R1Lard RaatlOur lardim- Cdate de drane Graverobber le me: [Press Enter to Chat]](
Improved the material storage GUI a bit to get rid of the unnecessary whitespace and scroll bar and ...
