/tttt/ - Images
what highpittched voice?
Problems require solutions | /r/Greentext

OP has already won

that poor cashier

Boymoder Pride Flag

Boymoder fucked up

Clumsy boymoder writes a larpn't

anon needs a new bf | /r/Greentext

Anon asks the question | /r/Greentext

Anon has an autistic gf | /r/Greentext

Anonette tries to fix him | /r/Greentext

Anonette's friend is based and malebrained | /r/Greentext

Anon is weaker than his gf | /r/Greentext

Anonette made it | /r/Greentext

Mommy daughter day | /r/Greentext

Anon seeks validation | /r/Greentext
