This Guy Moaned at Least This Loud
"This Guy Moaned at Least This Loud" is a memorable quote uttered by a man describing a car accident in a drivers' education DVD video Love To Accelerate, which has been widely featured in remix videos on YouTube.
In 2003, the DVD Love To Accelerate was released as part of the Speed & Aggression Toolkit published by The National Road Safety Foundation and distributed by Ohio Department of Public Safety. In the video, two drivers discuss a street racing accident and the consequences of the choices they've made, along with eyewitnesses adding more depth to the tragedy. At approximately 2:44, a man imitates what it was like to hear an injured driver moan (shown below). On January 19th, 2012, YouTuber alloway7884 uploaded the full video.
On Oct 19th, 2015, the moaning segment of the video was reuploaded to YouTube.
As part of the highly viewed Important Videos playlist made by eljolto[1], it has gained over 700,000 views. On November 5th, Redditor SkoffMyWillie submitted a post about the scene to /r/AccidentalComedy.[2]
On January 18th, 2016, the Spicy Memes YouTube channel uploaded a remix of the Gamecube console loading screen with the moan audio added (shown below, left). On August 12th, YouTuber kmlkmljkl uploaded a mashup of the moan scene with the music video for the 1986 rock song "Livin' on a Prayer" by Bon Jovi (shown below, right).
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[1] YouTube – Important Videos Playlist
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Dec 13, 2016 at 11:35AM EST
Hyval the Emolga
Dec 13, 2016 at 01:49PM EST