Un-Interested Squidward

Un-Interested Squidward

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“Un-Interested Squidward” is a series of images that is used to show the uncaring of someone to something with the use of a neutral image of Squidward from the successful television series of “SpongeBob Squarepants” looking towards to the viewers (breaking the 4th wall).
This is include with his pose and dark background that has been include with the original image making it a very “emo-like” to the user.


The image is found within the episode of “Pizza Delivery” from the television series “SpongeBob Squarepants” where SpongeBob and Squidward are travelling within a sandstorm. During this SpongeBob is being blown across the place while holding the pizza box, agitating Squidward who complains about the pizza box and SpongeBob’s health.

While SpongeBob is talking back for the first time while being blown across the right, Squidward looks to the viewers, breaking the 4th wall and showing the users that he doesn’t care at all about SpongeBob’s voice in the situation; showing to us: The “Un-Interested Squidward”



The separate image has not yet recently acknowledged for its popularity to the public however multiple images have been already been made for it, to help advertise the popularity of the possibilities of it to the community.

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