When you spawn at rally and 2 soldiers are aiming at you

What the Fuck Did You Just Bring Upon This Cursed Land
I'm just trying to do my work, get paid and leave. I didn't sign up to be a therapist | /r/memes

What the Fuck Did You Just Bring Upon This Cursed Land
Cursed Land Pikmin

What the Fuck Did You Just Bring Upon This Cursed Land
Not actually cursed HD Remaster

What the Fuck Did You Just Bring Upon This Cursed Land
HD Remaster

What the Fuck Did You Just Bring Upon This Cursed Land
Ultra cursed image

What the Fuck Did You Just Bring Upon This Cursed Land
There's a New Anti-LGBTQ+ Emoji and We Have Questions

What the Fuck Did You Just Bring Upon This Cursed Land
People who spam the image in the most unneeded places in a nutshell

What the Fuck Did You Just Bring Upon This Cursed Land
A Smoothie

What the Fuck Did You Just Bring Upon This Cursed Land
*internal suffering*

What the Fuck Did You Just Bring Upon This Cursed Land
Look how they massacred my boy

What the Fuck Did You Just Bring Upon This Cursed Land
No one ever expects the Spanish Inquisition

What the Fuck Did You Just Bring Upon This Cursed Land
Why mom, whet did you do wrong

What the Fuck Did You Just Bring Upon This Cursed Land
A Wallace and Gromit format should add diversity to your portfolio

What the Fuck Did You Just Bring Upon This Cursed Land
Maybe I’ll be tracer

What the Fuck Did You Just Bring Upon This Cursed Land
Time for some Thanksgiving memes!

What the Fuck Did You Just Bring Upon This Cursed Land