#WhyIDidntReport - Images
"Just Follow These Easy Steps" by Aubrey Hirsch
#WhyIDidntReport I was 14. He was 21. He was my classmates older brother. He was huge compared to me. I was a party thrown by my best friends house by her older brother. He gave me alcohol. He did it in front of 6 others guys. I was humiliated. I was cal
a #WhyIDidntReport story in 2 screenshots: the email I sent in Feb. 2011, and the response I received last month
I did, it didn’t matter, I was dismissed, disparaged, & I still get blamed #WhyIDidntReport
#WhyIDidntReport because I weighed up the pain and trauma of the assault with the pain and trauma of going to court with a lawyer pulling apart every aspect of my sex life to justify why I deserved it. Moving on from the assault was the less traumatic, mo
Because I thought rape by a stranger entering my house at 2am, with a knife, was my fault because I hadn't locked the door. That's messed up. #metoo #whyididntreport
I was drugged and raped in the Navy. The MP told me if I filed a report I would be charged with adultery because my rapist was married. I would lose my benefits and face a dishonorable discharge. “Let’s chalk this up to a bad choice on your part”. #WhyIDi
I was four, and he said he’d kill me. #WhyIDidntReport
Hey, @realDonaldTrump, Listen the fuck up. I was sexually assaulted twice. Once when I was a teenager. I never filed a police report and it took me 30 years to tell me parents. If any survivor of sexual assault would like to add to this please do so
I have no doubt that, if the attack on Dr. Ford was as bad as she says, charges would have been immediately filed with local Law Enforcement Authorities by either her or her loving parents. I ask that she bring those filings forward so that we can learn
everyone loved him and told me what happened "wasn't that bad" despite his rape being my 1st experience of intercourse. #WhyIDidntReport
hi fellow survivors 1
hi fellow survivors