Xbox vs. PS3
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Ever since the release of the PS3, raving console fans have argued which is the better console. On forums all over the web, discussions have brewed. Many labeled it as "console wars", to spice it up. People on the 360 side are often labeled as "360 fanboys", whereas the PS3 side has no name. The arguments have started a series of viral videos on youtube called: "Xbox 360 vs PS3, round X."
Round 1
Rounds 2&3
Round 4
Round 5
Round 6
Round 7
The arguments for each side are largely the same wherever you look, whether the site is focused on gaming or not. The 360 arguments usually are better internet, better controllers, movable data, and sometimes include exclusive games. The PS3 side has arguments like free online, a Blu-ray player, better graphics, and exclusive games.
Some PS3 commercials have a hint of superiority, but not enough to have the situation like Verizon and AT&T. Some may see the argument as Mac vs. PC.
Here are some PS3 ads:
Chad Warden is an infamous youtuber who sides with the PS3.
See Chadwardenn
Recent Videos
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