Y'all Got Anymore of... / Tyrone Biggums
Part of a series on Chappelle's Show. [View Related Entries]
"Y'all Got Anymore of…" is an expression typically used on discussion forums to request for additional information on a particular topic of interest, or more generally, to indicate one's intense craving for something. Originally quoted by the drug-fiending character Tyrone Biggums in Chappelle's Show, the phrase is often iterated as a reaction image or image macro format based on a still shot of Dave Chappelle's character and the phrasal template "Y'all any more of them / X?”
As early as June 2010,[5] image macros featuring the character Tyrone Biggums in front of a green and white color wheel background were submitted to Meme Generator[6] under the title "Crackhead."

The meme had its first break-out in December 2013, when Redditor abdullah10 submitted an image macro joking about asking for WiFi passwords to the /r/AdviceAnimals[1] subreddit, where it gained over 1,400 upvotes in three months (shown below, left). On January 4th, 2014, Redditor Baddabink posted a Tyrone Biggums image macro to /r/AdviceAnimals[7] mocking the practice of constantly refreshing Reddit while it is down (shown below, right). In two months, the post accumulated more than 13,000 upvotes and 90 comments.

On February 28th, Redditor jlmawp submitted a Dave Chappelle Crackhead image macro complaining about cold weather in Chicago, Illinois to /r/AdviceAnimals[2] (shown below, left). On March 4th, Redditor mathemagician117 posted a low-resolution image macro with the caption "Y'all got any more of them / pixels" to /r/AdviceAnimals[4] (shown below, right). In the first month, the posts garnered upwards of 33,600 and 11,900 upvotes, respectively. On March 7th, Redditor mathemagician117's image macro was reposted on 9gag.[11]

On March 18th, Redditor Masshole224 submitted an image macro criticizing conspiracy theories regarding the missing Malaysian Airlines flight to /r/AdviceAnimals,[12] gathering over 11,200 upvotes and 190 comments in two weeks (shown below, left). On April 1st, Redditor aakme posted an image macro joking about asking his female roommates to set him up with their friends to /r/AdviceAnimals[13] (shown below, right). In less than 24 hours, the post accumulated upwards of 16,200 upvotes and 400 comments.

Various Examples
As of April 2014, two additional pages have been created on Meme Generator[9][10] and a template titled "Dave Chappelle – Y'all Got Any More" was launched on the image-captioning site Livememe.[8]
Search Interest
External References
[1] Reddit – Everytime I enter a place that has WiFi
[2] Reddit – Chicago here. Its so cold
[3] Reddit – After 11 Days of the news reporting on the same conspiracy theories
[4] Reddit – Yall got any more of them
[5] Wayback Machine – Chappelle crackhead
[6] Meme Generator – Chappelle crackhead
[7] Reddit – How I feel hitting the refresh button
[9] Meme Generator – Chappelle crackhead
[10] Meme Generator – Dave Chapelle crackhead
[11] 9gag – Yall got any more of them
[12] Reddit – After 11 days of the news reporting on the same conspiracy
[13] Reddit – As a newly single guy with two female roommates
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Apr 02, 2014 at 09:34PM EDT
Sir Soundwave Moderator
Apr 02, 2014 at 01:04PM EDT