"Yamero" and "yamete" are Japanese for "stop it," which are often uttered by characters in anime films to express frustration. Online, the expression is often associated with photoshopped pictures of animals with glowing eyes, some of which are captioned with similar Japanese expressions.
On July 7th, 2015, a thread featuring a screenshot of the character Lelouch Lamperouge from the anime Code Geass along with the message "Yamero" was submitted to the /a/ (anime & manga) board (shown below).[6]

On October 8th, 2016, Tumblr[1] user animal-planet-official posted a multi-panel comic of a dog being sprayed with a garden hose, in which the final panel shows the dog's eyes glowing the caption "Yamero" (shown below, left). The post also included an audio clip of a person screaming "yamero!" Within seven months, the post gained over 20,200 notes. On October 15th, 2016, Tumblr[3] user adreamcalledeternity posted an illustration of the yamero dog comic (shown below, right)

On November 21st, Tumblr user haiderabd51[4] posted a collection of photoshopped animal pictures captioned with various Japanese expressions. Over the next six months, the post gathered upwards of 148,000 notes with reblogs containing additional animal pictures, many of which were captioned with "yamero" (shown below).[5]

On February 19th, 2017, Tumblr[2] user umarun-k posted a character from Fire Emblem Fates being sprayed with a hose while yelling "Yamero" (shown below).

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External References
[1] Tumblr – animal-planet-official
[3] Tumblr – adreamcalledeternity
[4] Tumblr – haiderabd51
[6] DesuArchive – Anime & Manga thread
Top Comments
Major Bummer
May 02, 2017 at 06:09PM EDT
Ice Cream Yay!
May 02, 2017 at 06:24PM EDT