Aella Releases Statistics And Blog Post About 'Birthday Gangbang,' Sparking Round Of Jokes And Concern

Published March 01, 2024

Published March 01, 2024

Two months ago, Aella, arguably the internet's most-discussed adult content creator, posted an application for a "Birthday Gangbang," giving the internet plenty to joke about and then mostly forget.

However, it seems the event went through as planned, and yesterday, Aella posted her report on the festivities via Substack.

Aella girl's gangbang diagram

On Twitter / X, the main focus has been on Aella's chart explaining how she narrowed 1,600 applicants down to the 42 men selected to attend (notably, Aella made a note about ruling out all e/acc applicants).

Specifically, one of the most eye-catching statistics was, to put it mildly, who "finished" and where. It seems of the 42 people invited to attend the event, only 17 "finished in Aella." Five finished in "fluffers," 15 didn't finish at all and five didn't make it to Aella. Put another way, only 17 out of 42 got the "intended" experience.

Mandela Face's take on the event.

All of this was covered in an exhaustive blog post Aella wrote detailing the event, with lots of statistics, graphs and surveys cataloging the minutia of the party.

As it made the rounds online, some have found the blog post particularly grim. Wildly, it opens with a Nelson Mandela quote about conquering fear, and the first paragraph finds Aella expressing the fear she had walking into the event, with a vivid and harrowing quote:

I force my feet to move forward, into the den of forty-two men all jacking off in identical bathrobes, while I’m screaming internally.

Other quotes about the event made it out of Aella's blog post and into social media discourse. In particular, some men apparently had trouble getting hard at the event because, as Aella describes it, "practically for them the experience was a bit like being a breeder in a cowpen." Men got three minutes with Aella to attempt to finish. Aella said she had to be pinned down by security guards to avoid kicking or biting anyone.

She wrote she didn't feel regret for hosting the event but did not leave exactly satisfied, writing that she doesn't think she would do it again.

The post gave social media plenty to pick apart. In particular, Aella's opening paragraph detailing the fear she felt walking into the event plus the later detail of having men hold her down so she didn't kick or bite anyone struck some as a sign the event shouldn't have taken place. One user described it as a form of self-harm.

thoughts on consent and sex

Aella, however, has pushed back against these claims and said her fear at the beginning was normal but she pushed through, and she has used the same method to make life choices like moving cities.

If nothing else, Aella has once again given the internet a lot to discuss, which is becoming an annual occurrence for her. Last year around this time, she went viral for posting her 2022 "statistics," revealing that she showered three times a month.

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