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Damar Hamlin Regains Consciousness, Purported To Immediately Hear Cringe

Damar Hamlin Regains Consciousness, Purported To Immediately Hear Cringe
Damar Hamlin Regains Consciousness, Purported To Immediately Hear Cringe

Published January 05, 2023

Published January 05, 2023

As of this afternoon, there has been some positive news in the Damar Hamlin story. Three days after the Buffalo Bills' safety suddenly collapsed on the field Monday night after making a routine tackle in his team's NFL game against the Cincinnati Bengals, Hamlin has reportedly regained consciousness.

The news sparked a wave of relief, as it appears Hamlin will not only survive his shocking cardiac arrest, but he has also not suffered brain damage as a result of his heart stoppage.

As the good news spread through social media, a report circulated that upon waking up, Hamlin, still unable to speak, wrote the question "who won the game?" to his doctors, to which they responded, "You won. You’ve won the game of life" (in reality, the NFL suspended the game indefinitely after Hamlin's emergency and there is no plan for completing it as of now).

While everyone was grateful that Hamlin appears well on the way to recovery, many found the reported exchange between Hamlin and his doctors overly saccharine to the point of cringe.

There are still many steps on the road to Hamlin's recovery, according to his doctors, but considering where he was just three days ago, his return to consciousness is a wonderful development and a credit to his doctors.

We should also count ourselves lucky they didn't reverse all their hard work with cringe.

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