Disgraced 'Smash' Player Nairo Defends Himself Against Sexual Misconduct Allegations, Accuses CaptainZack Of Rape

Published October 29, 2020

Published October 29, 2020

Former professional Super Smash Brothers player Nairoby "Nairo" Quezada has denied sexual misconduct allegations made against him by Zack "CaptainZack" Lauth and has alleged that he was raped by Lauth.

In a lengthy statement posted to Twitter and Medium, Nairo apologized for his long silence on the matter, stating that he had hired a legal team shortly after Lauth made allegations that he and Nairo had sexual relations when Lauth was a minor. The allegations were part of a series of damaging allegations made against top Smash players and commentators in July of this year.

In Lauth's allegation against Nairo, he claimed to have given oral sex to Nairo as the pair shared a hotel room during CEO Dreamland in 2017, and Nairo paid him hush money to keep quiet about it. Nairo's statement contradicts that interpretation of the events.

"We slept in our own separate beds, but I woke up to Zack molesting me," wrote Nairo. "I freaked out, terrified, but my body froze up and he forcefully performed oral sex on me. I yelled at him to stop, but he refused, and he only stopped once I managed to push him off me. I was so shaken up by everything -- what he just did, his betrayal of my trust in letting him stay -- that I just shut down."

He went on to allege that Zack blackmailed him into a second encounter by saying he would publically accuse Nairo of sexual misconduct, though this encounter was cut short because of Nairo's lack of enthusiasm.

Nairo wrote that the events cause him guilt and confusion.

"I was too ashamed to tell anyone and feared that nobody would believe me," he wrote. "I knew something terrible had happened to me at CEO Dreamland, but I didn’t know exactly what and Zack had put the fear in me that it was my fault… After the allegations came out, I was so crushed at how my silence had been worthless in the end and broke down, eventually opening up to my brother and closest friends about my story. That was when I learned that what happened to me did have a word. I was raped."

Furthermore, Nairo stated that transactions between Nairo and Zack which Zack would paint as "hush money" were given freely after Zack asked for them, and there was no discussion of the money being given on the condition Zack kept quiet about the encounter.

"I cannot offer any more details," he continued, "but should Zack or any other party continue to escalate this, my attorney will be dealing with this legally while I continue therapy. I have realized I need to heal and that must be away from the place I once called home."

The news again rocked the Smash community, with many prominent players stepping up to say they supported Nairo or were at least willing to hear his side of the story.

Nairo's version of the story was also corroborated Tamim, a former professional Smash player who is close with several top players and was a key figure in bringing CaptainZack's relationship with former top player Ally to light. Tamim wrote in a Twitlonger post that Zack had privately told him about the incident which corroborated Nairo's story. "Zack had explained to me that in the middle of the night, he had gone from his bed to Nairo’s bed while Nairo was asleep and began caressing Nairo’s chest," wrote Tamim. "When Nairo did not budge, Zack felt it was okay to go further with his attempt. Zack explained to me that Nairo had still been asleep when Zack escalated things."

"As someone who has been a close friend of Zack’s for a long time, I can testify that Zack was, and still is a very sneaky and devious person. He had constantly bragged about the men he had romanced and puppeteered. Zack had aggressively attempted to seduce countless adults in the Smash community and had been told many times by his friends to stop this nefarious act," he wrote. "I can not stand by Zack, as he knowingly abused a movement meant for justice, looking for personal gain."

Finally, complicating the matter further is the issue of fellow pro player Ezra "Samsora" Morris, who appears to have been instrumental in having Zack's allegations go public. Tamim alleges that Samsora heard Zack's allegations the day before they came out and pushed for Zack to go public with it. Tamim's version of that conversation paints Samsora as manipulating others into supporting Zack going public. Samsora also posted screenshots of an apology from Nairo when the allegations first came out in July and publically supported Zack. Tamim goes on to accuse Samsora of pushing for Zack to publish his allegations in order to kill Nairo's career, claiming Samsora was jealous of Nairo and wanted him eliminated from the professional Smash scene.

After Nairo made his statement, Samsora tweeted "I just honestly feel so used." However, he has yet to elaborate on his version of the events surrounding CaptainZack's allegations against Nairo.

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