Doja Cat-Paraguay Beef Escalates Rapidly On Twitter, Leading Doja Cat To Announce She's Quitting Music

Published March 25, 2022

Published March 25, 2022

A Twitter beef between Paraguayan fans and pop musician Doja Cat escalated rapidly earlier today, leading Doja Cat to declare she was quitting music and change her Twitter handle to “i quit.” The dispute originated over a canceled concert in Paraguay a few days ago, which couldn’t go forward as planned because of a massive storm.

Doja Cat continued her South American tour with a date in Brazil and tweeted affectionately about her Brazilian fans — leading many Paraguayan fans to feel left out. A story about disappointed fans who waited outside Doja Cat’s hotel during the storm for a meet-and-greet that never happened circulated widely, with many viewing Doja Cat’s behavior as disrespectful.

Defenders of Doja Cat then criticized what they viewed as the entitlement of fans who expected Doja Cat’s attention, sparking a viral debate.

The beef expanded rapidly from there, with accusations of racism and imperialism flying from both sides. Taking the side of Paraguayan fans, many Latin American Twitter users pointed out what they saw as disrespect towards their countries and cultures from predominantly North American fans of Doja Cat.

In turn, certain defenders of Doja Cat accused the Latin American posters of anti-Black racism and of using slurs to refer to Doja Cat, who is mixed-race.

The contentious argument seemed to upset Doja Cat, who expressed frustration not just with the Twitter dispute but with the nature of the music industry and celebrity in general.

Many users reacted with confusion and bemusement to the massive beef, particularly its bilingual aspects. The “translate tweet” feature was widely used on all sides because Doja Cat defenders tended to tweet in English and Paraguayan fans tended to tweet in Spanish. In turn, memes ensued.

A number of memes also circulated about the solidarity of Latin American Twitter with Paraguay, in the face of a beef that quickly became a clash between countries.

The rancor and intensity of this Twitter beef shows, yet again, how perfectly made the platform is for arguing.

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