Jeremy Fragrance Wants A Girlfriend, But She Must Be Under 32 And Christian According To His Viral Campaign

July 5th, 2024 - 2:27 PM EDT by Owen Carry

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TikToker Jeremy Fragrance from his "I Want A Girlfriend" photo.

Jeremy Fragrance, TikTok's best-smelling influencer and premier cologne connoisseur, is looking for a girlfriend. However, instead of using Tinder, he just raw-posted his email online.

Fragrance, whose real name is Daniel Sredzinski, shared his "I Want A Girlfriend" campaign on TikTok and Twitter / X this week, capitalizing words at random when writing:

I Already Know Some Of The Best Women on Earth but I Feel Good, before Comittment to Use this Strategy too for a Possible Girlfriend and More of Course. Must Be Christian, Must be Under 32 Years.

He attached the email "" for eligible applicants and also said anyone interested "must be Christian" and "under 32."

The tweet has quickly attracted viral engagement, racking up over 1.5 million views in a day as reactions pour in.

His TikTok video on the topic also brought in the views, receiving 4 million in a day.

Seen shirtless with his iconic gold cross and white skinny jeans combo, he reiterated his parameters, emblematic of Leonardo DiCaprio's philosophy.

jeremyfragrance</a> #jeremyfragrance ♬ Originalton – Jeremy Fragrance

For those unfamiliar with the man in question, Jeremy Fragrance is a social media influencer who focuses on cologne, perfume and other fragrances. He started posting content to YouTube in 2014 before expanding to other platforms where his following has ballooned.

Some might call him a lolcow, while others might call him an icon. No matter what he's labeled, people are invested in Jeremy Fragrance because of his brash and eccentric personality. He's often dancing, doing accidental physical comedy or ranting with no end in sight until he shouts his catchphrase, "Power!"

Since the start of the year, Fragrance's new video style has involved spontaneous run-ins with his fans. They typically approach him while he's already recording as they take a selfie together and he sneaks in a smell test, guessing their applied fragrance with accuracy.

Attractive women often approach him in these videos, resulting in top comments calling out his "rizz" and "aura." The hype is possibly fueling his recent "I Want A Girlfriend" aspirations. Fans of his are deeply familiar with his goal: getting a girlfriend who will turn into his wife (as stated in a viral clip).

Only a day after he announced his campaign, he's apparently received over 2,500 emails, per a photo slideshow posted on his TikTok.

jeremyfragrance</a> Must be Christian and Under 32 Years Old #jeremyfragrance ♬ Originalton – Jeremy Fragrance

Whether these are all real women or internet trolls is yet to be revealed.

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