Jokes About Jordan Peterson Crying Fly Again After He Weeps Upon Hearing Olivia Wilde Insulted Him

Jordan Peterson has been reduced to tears again, this time upon hearing that Don't Worry Darling director Olivia Wilde based the film's villain, played by Chris Pine, off him. Wilde described Peterson as "this pseudo-intellectual hero to the incel community."
In a recent interview with Piers Morgan, Morgan asked for Peterson's thoughts on Wilde's comments. Peterson then welled up as he described the plight of the community Wilde spoke of.
“Sure. Why not? You know, people have been after me for a long time because I’ve been speaking to disaffected young men. It’s very difficult to understand how demoralized people are, and certainly many young men are in that category. You get these casual insults, these incels — what do they mean? These men, they don’t know how to make themselves attractive to women who are very picky, and good for them. Women, like, be picky. That’s your gift, man. Demand high standards from your men. Fair enough. But all these men who are alienated, it’s like they’re lonesome and they don’t know what to do and everyone piles abuse on them.”
It's a bizarre moment of television, as Peterson can't seem to fight back tears when describing who some might call "incels" but he would call "disaffected young men." The interview gets back on track afterward and Peterson quips about being interested in Don't Worry Darling after hearing its director insulted him.
Peterson has become well-known online for openly weeping as he discusses some of his ideas. His Morgan interview appears to only have added to the internet's running gag of the psychologist perceivably crying over nothing, and Peterson's name trended on Twitter as people fired off jokes about his seemingly sensitive waterworks trigger.
[jordan peterson watching TV, weeping] they do have the meat. arbys has had the meat for so long, and they hardly sniff ever get the credit they deserve
— transgender marx (@JUNlPER) September 30, 2022
jordan peterson crying about how beavis and butthead never get to score
— ™️ (@tylermadsen) September 30, 2022
The way Jordan Peterson cries about incels being 'misunderstood' men who don't know how to 'make themselves attractive to women'. Then doesn't understand why people hate him. Jordan babe incels are fucking murdering women because we say no to them.
— Patsy Stevenson (@PatsyeStevenson) September 28, 2022
As the jokes piled on, some conservatives rose to his defense. In fact, Ben Shapiro and Matt Walsh, just days after bemoaning the degradation of American history because Lizzo played James Madison's flute, joined in on this round of discourse with strong hot takes that Peterson is simply a guy trying to offer young men guidance.
So just to get this straight, Jordan Peterson is a Very Bad Man™ because he tries to help young men who need guidance; Olivia Wilde is a Feminist Hero™ because she hates Jordan Peterson, but also apparently creates an uncomfortable work environment for her female star.
— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) September 30, 2022
Jordan Peterson is hated by the Left simply because he speaks to men and tries to help them rather than heaping scorn on them. That's all it takes to make you a villain in our culture.
— Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) September 30, 2022
The real reason the Left hates Jordan Peterson is he's helping a generation of lost boys become men.
Strong men look after themselves, their family, and their community, and are not reliant on the state.
This is incredibly damaging to the statist agenda.— Zachary Tisdale 🇨🇦 (@ztisdale) September 27, 2022
This led to questions about who Jordan Peterson had actually helped with his ideology, and several commenters struggled to think of how Peterson genuinely helps people.
show me a guy whose life has improved thanks to Jordan Peterson. just one dude. who has benefitted in any tangible way. not just "more annoying than before." actual positive results. where is he
— extremely online and incredibly employed (@MilesKlee) September 30, 2022
Telling people that JORDAN PETERSON is helping you become a man is possibly one of the most embarrassing self-owns one could muster up.
— I Am Become Death, Destroyer Of Grifts (@TradFemme) September 29, 2022
None of that is actually happening. Jordan Peterson is helping a generation of lost boys become lost boys who watch YouTube videos fourteen hours a day.
— Steve M. (@nomoremister) September 30, 2022
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