Justaminx Accused Of Intimidating And Blackmailing Streamer Toxxxicsupport After An Uncomfortable Experience At A TwitchCon Party

Twitch streamer Justaminx has been accused of alleged manipulation, intimidation and blackmail by female streamer Toxxxicsupport in a TwitLonger post that describes an "uncomfortable" experience she had at a TwitchCon party in 2018.
The accusation comes after Mizkif was accused of allegedly covering up the sexual assault of streamer AdrianahLee.
At the start of the Twitlonger, Toxxxicsupport, also known as Angel, wrote, "I am not affiliated with any of the current events brought to light however, I have been holding onto a situation that is quite similar with someone involved. I'm tired of never saying anything and I hate watching others on the platform go through situations even remotely similar and also made to be a joke."
My experiences with Minx & the streaming community-
Read: https://t.co/uVMqBq8QPC— Angel ☣️ (@toxxxicsupport) September 21, 2022
In the TwitLonger, Angel described how she went to a TwitchCon party at an Airbnb in 2018 hosted by Justaminx and her friends. Minx and Angel were part of the same friend group of girls. The partygoers started playing a drinking game that involved drinking an entire red solo cup of vodka or removing a piece of clothing when someone "messed up." Eventually, they moved on to playing truth or dare. "The questions I was asked [during truth or dare] were obviously sexual, but it didn't bother me that much," she said.
According to her story, one of her friends ended up getting very drunk to the point where she fell over and spilled vodka on the floor. Angel tried to convince her to leave, but she didn't want to. Angel then left the room and returned with supplies to clean the spill. When she returned, someone told her that she'd been dared to remove the rest of her clothes. Angel refused but purportedly, the men kept coaxing her to take her clothes off, telling her they "won’t judge" and "it’s part of the game."
Angel stated she cried to her friends about the situation that night and told Minx the next day, who seemed supportive. Then, "out of nowhere," Minx texted her banning her from going back to the Airbnb and asking her not to go public with the story, saying Angel would "ruin their careers" if she did.

Angel first went public with the story in a 2020 TwitLonger where she mentioned no names. In the most recent TwitLonger, she laid it all out on the table and included alleged DMs from Minx regarding that night. In one DM from a group chat, Minx wrote, "THEN DON'T SAY THE WORD FORCED YOU COILD DESTROY SO MANY PEOPLE SAYING THAT." Another member of the group called "Sad Kitty" backed up Minx, writing, "It wasn't meant to be like that there was no harm meant from that. It was like 'it's just a game just do it' not a 'we wanna see you naked, take it off rn.'" Angel insisted she never used the word "forced" to describe the coercion.
Another collection of texts between Minx and Angel is dated June 22nd, 2020, the day she posted her first anonymous TwitLonger. The messages purportedly reveal that Minx reached out to Angel after the post to try and make things right, saying she "didn't know it affected [her that] bad." Angel messaged back with doubt and anger, claiming Minx did know how bad she felt and that it brought back "past trauma" for her. Minx then messaged back saying she was going to contact everyone involved to get both sides of the story. She wrote, "I'm not ok with allegations that could ruin livelihoods."
About the night of the incident, she said, "I can promise you they had no ill intent or ever wanted to feel that way." She then suggested Angel is starting drama, writing, "you manipulated and hurt many people the last community you were in and instead of owning up form your mistakes you ran from them. I wanted to believe you changed but this shows me otherwise […] I hate cancel culture and I know you have family to support you and I don't want this affecting anyone livelihoods."
In addition to the DMs with Minx, Angel shared a DM from someone else who was purportedly at the party and defended Angel, writing, "they were pressuring you and it wasn't cool."

Angel's followers are supporting her for sharing her story in comments and quote tweets as her tweet continues to gain traction with over 12,000 likes and 1,700 retweets already. At the time of writing, Justaminx has not responded to the accusations.
You deserve so much support jfc what happened then was horrible. I wish you the best.
— LivTheDragon ☂︎ (@LivTheDragon1) September 21, 2022
I’m so proud of you for speaking up about this despite all that held you back from doing so. Please stay safe and I am so sorry you’ve had to experience this.
— Tex 🍄 14 (@texturedghost) September 21, 2022
i fell sick to my stomach reading this
thank you for sharing this, i really hope youre doing alright, take care of yourself <33— egg (@kertoir) September 21, 2022
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