NBA Fans Are Trying To Get To The Bottom Of Why Tyra Banks Was Seated Between Two Furries At Last Night's Nets Game

Published January 24, 2024

Published January 24, 2024

A bizarre scenario unfolded last night at Brooklyn's Barclays Center when, during the basketball game between the New York Knicks and Brooklyn Nets, America's Next Top Model host and supermodel Tyra Banks was shown on the jumbotron sandwiched between two furries, apparently confused and desperate for some help.

It's the sort of moment that washes by most basketball fans who tend not to care much about the usual "celebrities in attendance" segments that play during NBA games, but for some who are more plugged into pop culture, it was enough to inspire a quizzical double take.

Why on earth was one of the most famous and powerful women in fashion seemingly being harassed by two exorbitantly dressed furries? Was it some PR stunt? And if so, on whose part? Banks? The NBA?

Why was tyra sitting with furries?

It might be none of the above. Comedian Kareem Rahma was in attendance and was seated across the court from Banks and the furries.

As he tells it, the furries plopped next to Banks and originally, she was game to have fun with them, but as the night wore on, the furries got aggressively "handsy" with each other and Banks started pleading with security to do something about it. Eventually, security escorted the two furries away.

If Rahma's account is to be believed, Banks wasn't "in" on the furries plopping down next to her. The pair's antics made her visibly uncomfortable and, eventually, they were taken away. This account leads to more questions as to how exactly this bizarre situation came to be.

Some furry theorists suspect it may have to do with a 14-year-old episode of Tyra Banks' talk show, The Tyra Banks Show, during which she brought on two furries who were romantically together and asked them invasive questions about their bedroom lives.

The episode caused significant drama in the furry community at the time. Perhaps a suspiciously wealthy furry heard that Banks would be in attendance at last night's game and purchased the two seats next to her to ruin her evening?

That's all speculation for the time being, as no one has admitted to being one of the furries who got courtside seats next to Tyra Banks as of now.