Onision Releases Disturbing Video After Getting Banned From Patreon

Published 5 years ago

Published 5 years ago

On Tuesday, Patreon banned Onision, the YouTuber accused of sexual misconduct by six women, for allegedly doxing one of his accusers. Onision, aka Greg Jackson and James Jackson, did not take this well.

On Sunday, Jackson tweeted screenshots of messages between himself and YouTuber Billie Dawn Webb, who accused Onision of pressuring her into sex in a livestream with Chris Hansen on November 20th. Patreon stated to The Verge, "Yes, we removed Onision from Patreon as he violated our Bullying and Harassment as it relates to doxing."

Speaking to The Verge, Jackson said he was confused about the ban, writing "I broke up with [Webb] in 2016. She has been upset with me ever since. I posted screen shots where I complimented our relationship all those years ago, expressing how I was sad about how it couldn’t work out."

On YouTube, however, Jackson's response was far more disturbing. In a two-and-a-half minute video posted to his channel OnisionSpeaks, Jackson has an intense meltdown that ends with him stripping and dumping kombucha on himself. It looks like a Joker audition even Jared Leto would call too over-the-top.

The performance would almost be funny if the accusations surrounding Jackson didn't lend the meltdown a chilling realism. Twitter user @neon_neutral tweeted the video made them fearful that Jackson owned guns, believing his story might end with a mass shooting.

Others were generally concerned for the safety of those around him, particularly his kids.

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