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Shadiversity's Claim About Honing His 'AI Assisted Art' Skills Garners Much Ridicule From Artists Online, Boosted Further After People Learned Who His Brother Is

Shadiversity's Claim About Honing His 'AI Assisted Art' Skills Garners Much Ridicule From Artists Online, Boosted Further After People Learned Who His Brother Is
Shadiversity's Claim About Honing His 'AI Assisted Art' Skills Garners Much Ridicule From Artists Online, Boosted Further After People Learned Who His Brother Is

Published October 11, 2023

Published October 11, 2023

Earlier this week, X user and YouTuber Shadiversity made a series of posts penned as a sort of love letter to AI art, but his talk about honing his AI-assisted art skills fell flat on an audience of mostly artists on X as his sentiments resulted in backlash.

@ShadMBrooks posted two side-by-side photos of AI-generated Supergirls, with one of the images showing more detail in terms of color and setting. Attached at the bottom of the image is the text, "Don't let people tell you AI Art requires no skill [sic] and you 'just' press a button to make AI Assisted Art."

Perhaps as a result of the post drifting into artist circles on X rather than the tech-bros who marvel at things like Spiral Town, @ShadMBrooks's post did not go well with many of the people who saw it.

Some of the first knee-jerk reactions to his post from artists were people saying that the art may seem more detailed at first glance but shows glaring mistakes on closer inspection.

For example, X user @sith_art pointed out basic lighting mistakes in Brook's post, adding that anyone has the potential to be a real artist if they only tried.

Other X users took a more lighthearted route to criticizing @ShadMBrooks, with @savannahXYZart posting an edited version of his infographic and taking the opportunity to share some of her own, original art, made in reference to Colleen Ballinger's infamous "apology" video.

But the merits or demerits of making "AI Assisted Art" aside, many artists thought that @ShadMBrooks's biggest sin was merely unabashed arrogance.

As seen in a conversation between X users @henningsanden and @thesalvare, it was Brook's perceived braggadociousness in his original post that ticked people off. This was compounded by the likely fact that it is AI generation systems that are evolving, not @ShadMBrooks' skills.

As discussions about @ShadMBrooks' post began to wind down, some internet sleuths realized another crucial facet of the story: Shadiversity is the brother of YouTuber Draw with Jazza, a popular YouTuber who teaches his audience how to make art with an "Anyone Can Draw!" type attitude.

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