Twitter In Flames As Reports Indicate Chris-Chan Fled Court Prior To Trial Via Bathroom Window

Published August 28, 2022

Published August 28, 2022

Chris-Chan, who found themselves in legal custody following the incest allegations last year, was reportedly finally on their way to stand trial a year after the initial arrests. However, according to various unconfirmed reports, Chris-Chan asked to use the bathroom and then attempted to use the moment to escape out the window, fleeing custody.

The wackiness of the situation itself was cause for talk and speculation because, it being Chris-Chan, is what made it believable enough for some people as the rumor spread on social media.

However, due to the perceived physical and mental fitness of Chris-Chan, the allegation of them being able to break out of prison (through a bathroom window) was something that many found absolutely impossible to believe.

Regardless of that, however, many were seemingly willing to suspend their disbelief in order to enjoy posting memes about the situation, which is still unconfirmed and harder to get info on with Kiwi Farms still facing outages.

However, whether people genuinely believed it or not, several of the onlookers in the Chris-Chan fiasco have started to post their own memes about the situation as though Chris-Chan has made a clean getaway. This includes CWC meeting back up with Barb (their mother) or even meeting Ezra Miller, who is also in a similar legal bind.

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