Yahoo! Is Shutting Down Yahoo! Answers

Yahoo! Answers, the premier destination for the dumbest questions on the internet, will be shut down forever on May 4th. Yahoo! announced the shutdown on the page today.
The page will stop taking submissions on April 20th and the site will be inaccessible two weeks later. According to Yahoo!, users will be able to download their content from the site up to June 30th. The company sent a note to active users saying Yahoo! Answers had grown less popular over the years and the company has decided to shift resources away from Yahoo! Answers to "better serve users' needs."
Launched in 2005, Yahoo! Answers was one of the last remaining gems of a simpler era of internet when people participated in forums to get their questions about the world answered instead of doing simple Google searches. Of course, this led to a remarkable array of gobsmacking questions and, in many cases, even more humorous answers. Yahoo! Answers was also the backbone of the My Brother, My Brother and Me podcast, as Griffin McElroy posed Yahoo! Answers questions to his brothers, causing the trio to riff on them.
Yahoo! Answers was the host of vintage internet memes including How Is Babby Formed?, Penis Inspection Day and Cover Myself In Vaseline And Pretend I'm A Slug. It also was the source of a classic video in which J.T. Sexkik read the numerous misspellings of the word "pregnant" on the platform.
Farewell, Yahoo! Answers. You will be missed more than you know.
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