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Black Graphic T
Black Graphic T

in reply to Platus

Source 1 claims gamergate was creating these baltimore riot tweets with 8chan, but their source is motherboard, who says this.

"Both Juice and Gentloopa’s accounts, like many of the others involved in the troll, contain numerous references to the Ayy Team, a group of online trolls, 8chan, an anonymous online message board similar to 4chan, and Gamergate. 8chan is thought to have been Gamergate’s central hub."

Nothing about Gamergate being involved, just a passing mention that gamergate goes there as to create the link in peoples head about the site being a horrible den of scum and villainy.

Source two doesn't even mention gamergate.

Source 3 and 4 are the same. Buzzfeed, really? And even they say, "For those who are unfamiliar, 8chan and 4chan are open message boards that often stage large-scale and highly offensive or destructive internet pranks and “cyberterrorism,” including the misogynist GamerGate."

Again, nothing that says gamergate is responsible for this, just a mention that "These sites are horrible because they also have gamergators" to make the public know easier.

So where exactly is wu's proof that this has to do with Channers AND Gators? I know you want to post up a bunch of delusional gators to the riff raff thread. But Wu's making a connection that your evidence shows, isn't really there. That, or she just scanned the articles and used it as a means to hitting people unrelated to the channers actually doing this shit.


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