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1465 Views Created 8 years ago By Major Bummer • Updated 3 years ago

Created By Major Bummer • Updated 3 years ago

| Anonymous 12/30/15(Wed)21:15:16 No.28373696 File: 1441321068280 ipg (70 KB, 885x765) >>28373835 >228378744 28370693 >live in the south >lots of white trash LOTS of white trash >neighbors (meaning the people closest to my acre of land) are meth heads living in a shack >catch them sneaking on my property all the time trying to do god know whats >not even sure if they have it figured out >one day im plinking, bought myself a crossbow at my lgs for the hell of it dog starts barking his angry bark, meaning somebody he doesn't know or like is on my property >one of the said meth heads is approaching, I have my 9mm but its holstered, currently holding the cross bow and shooting water jugs can tell the dude is high out of his mind, starts asking if he can borrow my truck to pick up his sister w--, dude I have several lawsuits against you and your kinfolk >"man I just need it for a few hours, IlI fill it up" youre not picking up your sister/lover in my truck now go dude pulls some junk metal raven arms 25 on me, says hes taking it anyway and t get back in my house if I don't want to get shot >he turns around >YOU ALREADY DREW ON ME BITCH fire the bow, hits him right in his plump fat ass >he howls like a cartoon character, shoots a round into the dirt and duck walks back to his side of the woods >probably stiches himself back together with a sewing kit, never get my arrow back and never hear anything about it such life in the south
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