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RWBY - The body may die, but the soul is immortal.

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>Pyrrha unlocking Jaune's aura way back in volume 1 linked their souls together
>Pyrrha's soul has been able to enter Jaune's body upon her death and has begun to communicate with him via his dreams
>Jaune's been physically training himself nonstop because he rationalizes that Pyrrha kept him from saving her because of how "weak" he was
>He STILL doesn't even know what his semblance is or how to use it, and he's determined to figure out one way or another so he'll be strong enough so that no one else he loves will die
>Ever since setting off with Ruby, he's been working himself through the power of regret and fury to the point of exhaustion despite his friends telling him to cool it
>Jaune eventually collapses from both exertion and sleep deprivation
>Pyrrha meets him in his dreams to console him, but he thinks he's just going nuts and it's just some soft of subconscious wish fulfillment
>Feels ensue


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