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Comparing Obama to Hitler has always been pretty ridiculous, if only for the simple fact that their ideologies and methods are entirely different. Hitler was a pro-German nationalist who felt that his country had been raped by an "International Clique" of bankers, capitalists, and foreign leaders. Also that communism was a Jewish plot to destroy the Germany/the West, primarily inspired by the marxists (SJWs of the 1930s) of whom many were Jews. There was also, uhh, this book!, which I only learned about recently and whose existence is pretty interesting.

Obama is nothing like that. He's not nationalist (he's very much an internationalist), he's not the sort of President to really emphasize America's cultural history or tradition (the whole Change thing, and his support of liberal policies). He's left-wing, whereas Hitler was of course far right-wing. The two are very much apples and oranges.

But of course, when people compare contemporary politicians to Hitler they aren't doing it because of percieved ideological similarities (most of the time). It's just a childish insult, on the level of "you're a bad guy! You're just as bad as this other older bad guy!".

The fact that at one point Kasich made an ad on this topic is pretty hilarious:


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