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Nintendo - Metroid's 30th Anniversary Celebra... Oh

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Mistress Fortune
Mistress Fortune

in reply to imnotgivingmynametoyou

True, but fact remains Metroid still doesn’t bring in the same numbers as other franchises under Nintendo’s banner. Really this is more a “sad reality” of the gaming industry in general. For a non-Nintendo game: Mirror’s Edge took a long time to finally get a sequel. Also this isn’t the first time Metroid’s gone a long time without a new mainline entry, there was an eight year gap between Super Metroid in 1994 and Prime 1 and Fusion in 2002. F-Zero also hasn’t gotten a new entry in over a decade, and Kid Icarus was dormant for over 20 years until Uprising.

Some franchises just end up sitting on the backburner for a long time while the parent company chooses to instead put out guaranteed successes, and in time they bring back something old to see if it still has appeal. Maybe in a year or two we’ll hear something about a new mainline Metroid in the works, but for now all you can do is wait patiently, and frankly yes a good thing to do is still support Nintendo by buying other games from them you like so they can stay in business and hopefully one day make a new Metroid, because if someone’s such a spiteful fan that they hope Nintendo goes out of business all because of no new Metroid in a long while then that’s a misguided way of thinking.


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