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Splatoon - Wasn't the theory we were expecting Mat to go for, but it's close enough

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MatPat´s core content is not a good source to make constant videos thats why he has to bullshit his way around to make up theories, and so we get stupid content like peach is rosalinas mom, mario is mental, and the most iconic ness is sans.

and well thats still okay, they are incredibly dumb and he made them just for the youtube money, but its still his content

but then came the "Game Theory: Who is W.D. Gaster?" video, in which he guilt trips his fans and plays the victim card just because most people rightfully made fun of the theory for being straight up stupid.

but what made me really mad was when he said "no i didnt think ness was sans" jesus christ the backpedal, do you have any integrity? when someone makes a theory on any fucking claim is because they believe in it and want other people to see their point of view if not you are just saying shit for the sake of saying shit, i could say right now "my hand is made of cheese" and it would have the same context as every matpat theory then


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