- 'Bro Is Not Going Back Home' Kid Was Speaking Like A TikTok Comment Section
- Jennae Cecelia's Poem 'I Met My Younger Self For Coffee' Goes Viral, Inspiring A Trend On TikTok
- This Tweet Response To A Thirst Trap Has Become The Go-To Template To Complain About Inadequacy Online
- Daily Meme Compilation YouTuber 'Memenade' Getting Bullied On TikTok For His 'Cringe Reddit Memes'
- 'Car For Nobody' Was A Joke So Funny That It Inspired A Genuine 'Wario Laugh' From This Kid
oye nina
Uploaded by Matt Oct 27, 2017 at 10:35AM EDT
Origin Entry: Polish Jerry / Khe Berga?
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Resolution: (551px x 552px)
File size: 30.1 KB
When you're watching a holocaust documentary in school and the teacher asks why you're masturbating
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when your step dad is beating the shit out of you little brother and then he turns around and says why are you masturbating
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when you watching 13 reasons why with ya girl and she asks why you pulled yo dick out during the suicide scene
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