"Yum, that was good."
Uploaded by Prax Nov 08, 2017 at 08:21AM EST
hedley and wyche u.k. britain england snl saturday night live
Origin Entry: Picardía / Thumbs Up Emoji Man
File type: png
Resolution: (1200px x 1000px)
File size: 509 KB
When you want to be leaders in the gaming community by injecting social justice politics into everything and attacking gamers but then burn down your own site when it's eventually revealed that most of your mods are sexual predators.
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Hey America *acid attack* why don't you *gets stabbed* ban guns *nail bomb goes off* so then you'll be safe *gets hit by truck* like us?
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Picardía / Thumbs Up Emoji Man - "Yum, that was good."
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