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Kotaku - Glitch is pissed off by Kotaku's article about women in Pro Esports.

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Lurker Extraordinaire
Lurker Extraordinaire

There was a study I read once about women in chess. They put women in online chess matches against other women, and women in chess matches against men. Sometimes they would tell whether the female subject's opponent was a man or a woman. Sometimes not. When they didn't know their opponent was a man, the resulting male-to-female win ration was almost a round 50/50. However, when they knew their opponent was a man, they would loose much more often. The message I got from the study was that women are just as mentally capable as men, but due to a lot of reasons they often feel intimidated and thus aren't able to perform at their best when playing against men. Relating to the e-sports industry, they shouldn't lower their standards to "allow" women to play, but instead try to create an environment where female players don't feel intimidated or pressured when playing against men, and so are comfortable enough to play to the best of their abilities.


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