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Origin Entry: TotalBiscuit

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TotalBiscuit - "Die angry about it" starring a Harry Potter Reference

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I knew Twitter was awful, but… this is a whole new low.

What I hate about Twitter is that simply deleting their precious website won't make them disappear. Remember the death of Vine? The "Viners" never went away, and just accepted YouTube as their new home. Deleting Twitter would be the internet's equivalent of summoning an eldritch monstrosity.

What I hate the most about this whole mess is that it isn't even remotely based on reality. It's completely made up and was just formed out of rumors and lies. If you ask these people on how TB supposedly led to the murders of trans folk or how he supposedly harassed and hated women, all they will do is just call you a sexist troll for even daring to question their sources. Yes, how dare we ask for a fucking citation. They have no idea what they're talking about and just went with whatever the Twitter hivemind's topic for the day was.

And they have the balls to call us the bad guys. The hell.


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