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Goblin Slayer - You can hear the Reaper preping his blade in the background

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Moral of the fucking story: preparation is everything. Those fuckers broke 2 cardinal sins

1. Not bringing proper supplies: It seems well known that goblins fight dirty, so they should have predicted poison. Not falling back and getting a different weapon when realizing the sword was too big (which they saw when entering the fucking cave) was the fault of the warrior, and healing potions are ESSENTIAL! The guild matron tried to warn them but they didn't listen. Furthermore they had jack squat for armor, no protection at all!

2. No spacial awareness: See weird shit and doesn't even question why it's there? Your own fault. They just gawked at the totem without wondering why it was there. Is it a way marker? A Warning? Nope just stare and move on! Then the warrior and monk decided to run ahead and not bother making sure the squishy mages in the back are following? Once more they screwed up in that matter and in this case GS called it.

Mostly I'm gonna put the bulk of the blame on the warrior of the group since he made the most mistakes out of all of them. Long sword, cocky as hell, ignored the guild clerk (who knows what the fuck she's doing so take her advice always), laughed at the thought of bringing supplies, no armor, not paying attention to teammates, the whole shebang really.


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