/k/ fights ISIS | /k/ | Know Your Meme
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1123 Views Created 5 years ago By Xohjn • Updated 3 years ago

Created By Xohjn • Updated 3 years ago

Anonymous 09/23/14(Tue)19:40:25 No.2294366522943780 322943872 22941259 (OP /k/ fights ISIS? the battle starts with a single long gunshot an ISIS guard drops from the guard tower of their s----- tent camp >someone shouts "I f------ told the terrorists gaze upward the ridge 2000 meters away they see a man standing on top of the ridge holding a Mosin Nagant over his head Suddenly gunfire erupts from outside the terrorists camp the ISIS members return fire surprised to see as many AK47s pointed at them as they're point at the /k/ommandos two middle aged men dressed in extremely short green shorts stand upon a small hill firing their FALS their .308 fire is followed by promises of revenge for Rhodesia no one knows how the two events are connected but choose not to correct the Rhodesians >Somehow someone managed to get Hickock 45 to show up >he takes out 6 terrorists with his .45cal pistol >after which he breaks from the firefight to start explaining the details of the pistol to a couple of newfags >Hunter 2-1 Actual managed to steal his mother's credit card and shows up >immediately takes a barrage of friendly fire to the back >McNiggerator who was last seen running full sprint into the camp is now in the guard tower he rains down rounds from his Galil while simultaneously e---------- onto the hajis below >somehow that isn't even the strangest thing that day as a couple of furries drag a screaming terrorist into a tent a couple of /pol/ f--- show up covered in pigs blood chasing some of ISIS around trying to hug them the ones that aren't shot immediately end up in a heated discussion with a couple of the kebabs over how the jews ruined everything >an overweight/k/ommando armed with a katana engages in a sword fight with haji armed with a scimitar the sharp shooters from the ridge star picking off the ISIS members trying to man the machine guns in the rear of the camp while arguing about the shot placement difference between a Nugget, the .308 and the .50cal you f------ I could hit him!" Anonymous 09/23/14(Tue)19:50:23 No.229437802293872 >>22943665 >/k/ manages to secure the ISIS camp >a lk/ompound flag is immediately raised over the camp >someone quickly posts a thread about it on /k/ to quote "show those f------ f----- bitch ass trolls that said /k/ would never have a /k/ompound" >/k/ommandos start gathering up AK47s as war trophies >/pol/acks bury the dead terrorists with dead pigs for the lols and start a "jews did it" thread on /pol/ for no reason column of s----- ass toyotas approach the /k/ompound >ISIS has sent reinforcements to retake the camp >/k/ommandos try using the RPGs against the trucks 3 /k/ommandos killed from backblasts, 4 enemy trucks destroyed >ISIS dismounts and begans counter attack on /k/ompound >lvan Chesnov is seen beating a haji to death with his AK47 and screaming at him >"How dare kebab put filthy Tapco accessory s--- on glorious Kalashnikov rifle!" >Nugget Enterprises sends a small s----- Chevy Nova full of 7.62x54r, mountain dew, cheese poofs, vodka and dragon dildo lube the now resupplied /k/ommandos repel the enemy assault >kebab has been removed the /k/ommandos gather round and celebrate the Rhodesians speak up, "So, when shall Rhodesia be liberated next?" >700 plane tickets to Zimbabwe are purchased over night
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