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in reply to Kenaron

Here is the crux of the problem we are facing now though, as we move farther and farther into the future the more the internet becomes a critical part of peoples lives and livelihoods, yet the internet as it exists today is almost totally Ancap, everything is privately owned and anyone can be flicked off a platform for any or no reason at all, and the current platform holders are so monolithic and important for modern society there are valid arguments that the services they provide should be classified as utilities, as there are virtually no current viable alternatives to them, and the danger is very real that if you represent something they do not agree with they can collude to just turn you into an unperson, is not a power that should be allowed unchecked, at the very least we need some enforcement of existing anti-trust and monopoly laws in Silicon Valley, because as we have just seen in the case of Subscribe Star these companies will openly collude with one another to protect each other and crush potential competitors from ever rising up.


in reply to Kenaron

Accidentally upvoted before I reached the last line. This self destructive partisanship that insists you can't solve a genuine problem because it's not you're "wing" is why NONE of our political problems will ever be solved.


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