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Hey! I’m so glad you reached out. I’m actually at capacity because I’m crying over Baby Yoda right now, and I don’t think I can hold appropriate space...
Uploaded by Matt Nov 20, 2019 at 01:46PM EST
emotional health mental health psychology psychiatrist friendship copypasta @fyeahmfabello @batr1k
Origin Entry: I'm Actually at My Emotional Capacity
File type: png
Resolution: (744px x 382px)
File size: 86.1 KB
Adam: Did I request thee, Maker, from my clay to mould me Man, did I solicit thee from darkness to promote me? God: Hey! I'm so glad you reached out. I'm actually at capacity/helping someone else who's in crisis/dealing with personal issues and I don't th
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Thomas Sankara: “As revolutionaries, we don’t have the right to say we are tired of explaining. We must never stop explaining. We know that when the people understand, they cannot help but follow us.” Me: “Hey Thomas! I’m so glad you reached out. I’m actu
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(replying to my boss’s email asking me to please start showering and using deodorant) - Hey! I’m so glad you reached out. I’m actually at capacity at the moment and i don’t think i can hold the appropriate space for this. Could we connect at a later date,
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Friend is like “hey I just finished a first mix of my new record, you wanna check it?” and I’m like “Hey! I’m so glad you reached out. I’m actually at capacity right now...”
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GEORGE: Jerry! My hair dryer ruined the picture of Man-Hands! I need another one or I can’t get back into the forbidden city!
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Hey, I’m so glad you reached out. I’m actually at capacity / helping someone else who’s in crisis / dealing with some personal stuff right now, and I don’t think I can hold appropriate space for you.
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I'm Actually at My Emotional Capacity - Hey! I’m so glad you reached out. I’m actually at capacity because I’m crying over Baby Yoda right now, and I don’t think I can hold appropriate space...
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