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My main question about this whole thing is, why? Who exactly are they hoping to win over by doing this? Censorship only works when people don’t realize that it’s happening. The only people I can think of that would be happy with this are the kind of people who don’t play video games, don’t like video games, and in fact oppose the medium at a fundamental level.

As a sidenote, I find it kind of funny that The Last of Us was brought up. For some reason, that game always shows up at the top of every Twitter faux-progressives best games of all time list. Though I’m positive the mass majority of the people who sing its praises have never actually played the game themselves, and are either just parroting the opinion of someone else, or support it because that lesbian actress whose name I don’t care to look up at the moment is one of the leads.

And another thing, it’s always lesbians with them. Like, their mere existence is some kind of profound statement…


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