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Paper Mario - The Difference Between Old Paper Mario and New Paper Mario

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in reply to Tivictus (Zinnia is my Waifu)

To me, it seems like people are overreacting to literally one line of dialogue. Judging from his laid back posture and lacking a fuse (thus being "defused"), it's possible he could just be an incredibly relaxed and maybe even lazy character. So much that he just calls himself by the name of his species. Not to mention, he could easily have more to say about himself after we advance the text box, so it seems a bit silly to me to compare one out of context line of dialogue to a paragraph and complain the line isn't as interesting.

I do wish the design were more interesting, but ultimately the writing behind a character is the most important part of their characterization, with a good design being there to support that writing. I could be completely wrong and he is as boring as he appears to be, but right now nobody knows anything about how the writing or characters are going to turn out, and are taking their grievances with the designs into a hyperbole about the entire game.

Tivictus (Zinnia is my Waifu)
Tivictus (Zinnia is my Waifu)

See, it's this type of thing that really makes me wonder what's going on. Cause Origami King looks like it's trying to be better then Color Splash, and doing a relatively good job. The intro was creepy, and it seems like they've got themselves a really nice concept for a badguy. But with a weird glimpse at the battle system (Which may or may not be closer to the original, we honestly don't know and that's the scary part) and screens like this where obviously mainish characters are just named their simple enemy type, it feels like they've only kept part of what made the original games so good.

I legit am curious if it's a situation of them choosing not to make it closer, or if they can't, but they're trying their damnedest to get around that,


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