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He's kinda right, but he's still talking about one group of people in a good way while talking about everyone else by taking bad apples as representatives. That's what said bad apples do usually, you know the "all white people are racists" kind he talks about too.
Don't let the news fool you, there are a lot more "minorities" fed up with this bullshit than those rioting in the streets and talking in extremes, the majority of people of every ethnic group just want to live in peace together. As a wise man once said, they just wanna grill for God's sake.


Reminds me of something I learned from a German history class, where a rise of new generation of Nazis began to sprout decades after the war. When asked why, they said it was more of a reactionary move against the years of school and culture hammering into them the guilt for the sins of their grandfathers in the second world war. A mentality of "Fine! I am what you say I am." I'm sure there's more to it than that, but that was my takeaway.


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