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in reply to AlexanderMugetsu

No, and in fact before Biden Jr's laptop got leaked, her being on the ticket was the main sticking point for swing voters. Mainly in that Kamela is one of the few Democratic politicians to be historically PRO-Death Penalty; which they are historically against because, as seen with Bloomberg, cons are very easy to buy votes from. This also ties into the rather awkward fact that she's USED POLICE BRUTALITY TO GET HER WAY.

If you needed any proof that the Black Lives Matter™ organization doesn't actually give a shit about racial equality and just wanted to stir shit up to make Trump look bad, backing up someone DIRECTLY OPPSSED to their supposed main selling point should have been a HUGE FUCKIN' RED FLAG.

Basically, every negative thing a liberal has ever said about Hillary, double applies to Kamela. But she's kinda cute AND a Triple-Dip on the diversity check list: female – Latino (California Anchor baby even) – "South Asian" (that sides actually from Mainland China, but the Dems are at least smart enough to obscure THAT fact for metrics).


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