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in reply to VeteranAdventureHobo

When you put a trigger warning for something that's meant to be shocking and horrifying, you rob it of its impact. I don't remember any outrage over MGS4's suicide ending. Imagine if it or Final Fantasy VI had trigger warnings for their suicide scenes. You'd just think "oh, so that's what they warned me about".

I've been close to the edge several times in my life, and one of the many things that's stopped me from pulling the trigger was playing a game, getting attached to and caring about a character, and then SEEING them think about suicide, and hoping they didn't. It recontextualized everything leading up to that moment in my depression, and made me consider what my parents would think if they knew about it.

If there was a trigger warning prior to that, I would feel patronized. I would have the same reaction that I do towards someone telling me I have much to live for: "Yeah, whatever, that's what they all say". Stop being offended for other people. Stop lecturing people on what they should be offended by. Stop acting like you know more about these kinds of subjects than the people who actually fucking experience them.


in reply to VeteranAdventureHobo

I've read all three links you've provided, and the bulk of those studies are about suicide being shown in nonfictional media, namely the news. Not video games. The NBCI article doesn't even mention fictional media, and the other two say it's inconclusive and has controversial or mixed results when it comes to both suicidal and non-suicidal individuals being exposed to fictionalized suicide. The only thing they seem to conclude is that scenes of fictionalized suicide induce higher depression rates. Which….yeah, that's what it's meant to do.

And do you honestly believe that someone who's suicidal or even depressed is going to see a trigger warning about suicide and think "oh I shouldn't watch this"? People who have issues don't tend to think they have issues. Unless you're about to argue that art should not induce depression in the viewer unless the viewer gives consent first, then the notion that there should be a trigger warning is foolish.


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