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Cyberpunk 2077 - The best and most detailed review of Cyberpunk 2077 that I know of

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I don't really agree with a lot of these complaints. Your backstory is more relevant, in at least little flavor details that are CONSTANTLY sprinkled in, than I think most people would notice; a lot of the automatic dialogue changes based on it from talking with my friends; my Streetkid has different responses to things than their Corpos or Nomads, and not just from the background based dialogue options, just general responses your character has to things. I quite like it when my character knows more than I do. You don't get the "what's a paladin?" scene in this game.

The stealth gameplay is pretty trash on its own, but I like the variety of ways you can tackle issues in even fairly simplistic seeming Gigs. And it's always a plus when a game doesn't really punish you for failure; it's not like Deus Ex (which I love, don't get me wrong) and failing to stealth through means a reload; you're encouraged to just roll with the punches.

I'll also have to look askance at anyone who thinks Destiny 2's gunplay is tight.

I don't think the game is perfect or anything, but it has a lot to offer…if you can get it to run. Which shouldn't be a problem on PC.


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