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in reply to Icecane

I've never gotten why when creators are given the opportunity to go above an R rating, that so often what you get is EVERYTHING, sex and gore and death and extreme violence. It's like people are suddenly allowed to cook for themselves and they start making sandwiches with grape jelly, drenched in French's mustard between two slices of orange and toothpaste pizza with red velvet cake crust.


in reply to Braneman

I've noticed that in a few shows too, and I think it's to do with doing the most with limitations. If you've got, like, a PG-13 or so rating, you gotta be clever when dealing with adult themes and actions, like what Batman: The Animated Series did. But with that R rating, well, the sky's the limit, and you don't have to restrain yourself anymore… which, as it seems, also leads to thinking that extreme adult graphics and violence automatically means adult storytelling.


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