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Emmy The Robot / Nandroid - I once said that the original Emmy webcomic "tries to be so overly wholesome and sweet that it kinda...

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So it seems that you've finally read the official webcomics, huh?
Now you see what I mean…

Did you got to the part in which Emmy is making those baked sweets for Madeline's birthday and not only does she use a recipe that diverts from the original recipe that she was programmed with, she also had a little "incident" with the first bowl for the mix.


in reply to Quiet_boi

Oh yes I have. Man, the whole thing is just so wild, I can't believe I was quite dismissive of it earlier.

"Hi, I'm Cave Johnson John Sterling, founder of this company. I never let any naysayers or occasional humanitarian disasters stand in our way to success!"

"Outmodes are dangerous and sometimes turn to crime!"
"But Emmy, what if you become an outmode?"
"Don't worry, this will never-ever happen!"
"But hypothetically-"

"Did you hear about bootleg Nandroids that could kidnap our children?"
"Yes, it's horrible! I sure hope that this doesn't ever happen! And that it was brought up in the story for no reason whatsoever!"

"Ugh, look at that stupid bitch Franny, what a fucking retard loser… Oh hi Franny, it is so genuinely lovely to see you!"

"I love it when humans throw lavish birthday parties to show off to their fellow rich assholes how much they love their kids! It's so sweet and charming! And there is so much to prepare! Boy I hope I don't malfunction while making so many cookies or anything!"


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