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in reply to Electric Eye

This, lmfao. Nobody's mad about "Let's go Brandon." Everyone's just confused as to why you have to use codewords and self censor when leftists spent 4 years saying, in no uncertain terms, "Fuck Donald Trump." And a good chunk of Democrats are ALSO saying "Fuck Joe Biden." because he's not that popular with his own party right now due to sheer inactivity during his first term thus far.

The entire "Let's go Brandon." thing reeks of a lack of an understanding that Democrats don't really like Joe Biden that much either, and the Democratic party does not have the same hard-on for unconditional, unwavering support of our nominee that the Republicans do to Donald Trump. You criticize Donald Trump in any way and other Republicans call you a socialist sympathizer or an ANTIFA plant or a RINO. You criticize Joe Biden and other Democrats are like "yeah, no, fair, I really hope we get a better candidate in 2024 cuz I don't want to give Biden a second term."


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