ted Kaczynski - intj stare
Uploaded by SteelWolf Nov 12, 2021 at 01:26PM EST
intj ted kaczynski demotivational poster
Origin Entry: Theodore Kaczynski / Unabomber
File type: jpg
Resolution: (1008px x 726px)
File size: 53 KB
Small Brain Man with internet political compass Screaming at Big Brain Man who is just chilling in nature and not being online (also ted K)
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Evil Ted Kaczynski be like "The Indistrial Revolution and it's consequences have been beneficial to mankind"
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ted kaczynski anprim in vr - its ok brother we finally rid the earth of industrial society
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ted kaczynski - im tired of industrial society im gonna live in the woods - years later fbi ted k
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ted kaczynski anprim modern society slavery Swallowable robotic pills will dispense anti-depressants according to wirelessly broadcast schedules, helping workers receive medicine when they are under the most stress. Human ingenuity is truly boundless
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ted kaczynski and modern anprims comics - Where am l? Ted K! We broke you out from prison... to led the An-Prim revolution! of techno-nerds? I love STEM
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Theodore Kaczynski / Unabomber - ted Kaczynski - intj stare
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