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in reply to Quiet_boi

There's this jackass called Jason Aaron who believes his word his gospel and boy oh boy does he hate fun so when he saw She-hulk a fun and flirty character who loves her powers he decided to make her the antithesis of that he made her depressed, suicidal and scared of her powers and then he wrote it has though everything that happened before this change was actually horrible and you the reader were awful for liking it (standard affair in marvel nowadays).
Eventually he decided to triple down basically just erased her personality all together and this was the lead weight that snapped the camels spine and made Marvel finally intervene. (coincidentally there's going to be a She-hulk mcu series)

TL;DR: Jason Aaron is a bitch ass motherfucker who pooched is luck too far, nice to have the real She-hulk back shame it took 7 fuckling years.


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